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Learn art in more depth covering observational skills, decision making, confidence building, scale, constructive criticsm, subject matter, memory, detail, perception (the eye), impression (the mind), context (thought & feelings).

This course digs a little deeper engaging other senses and choice.

10 emails 

Inter - Mediate Course 10 emails

  • Email COPIES ONLY of work. Highlights of adjustments will be made on work sent. Criteria and suggested changes will be returned asap with instructions of follow up work. No deadlines, work is paced to suit you. Extra information may be sent according to individual work received. 

    Each email is numbered in sequence so you can view the chronilogical order.

* RSA Bursary Award           * BA(Hons) HND Fine Art/Textile Design

* CIBDT Certificate              * DSWF Global Art & Canvas Award 2nd place winner

* DBS/CRB                         * Preliminary & Foundation Certificate in Art & Design



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